How to make corsair icue run useing a .scr file
How to make corsair icue run useing a .scr file

how to make corsair icue run useing a .scr file

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how to make corsair icue run useing a .scr file

Use the toggles to enable integration with your software, games, and devices.Click Software and Games on the left menu of the SETTINGS window.Click the Settings icon on the upper right.In the Devices tab, you can enable integration for individual CORSAIR devices you can also choose if the integration for the device is enabled for software, games, or both.In the Software and Games menu, you can enable integration for individual software and games.

how to make corsair icue run useing a .scr file

You can also enable and disable integration for individual software, computer games, and CORSAIR devices by using the tabs at the bottom of the Settings window.

how to make corsair icue run useing a .scr file

From this menu, you can enable integration with software such as Elgato Stream Deck and game RGB integration. If you have updated your iCUE software to iCUE version 4.13.223 or newer, you can use the new Integrations menu in the iCUE settings.

How to make corsair icue run useing a .scr file